The 29th General Meeting in Tokyo

The 29th General Meeting of XGP Forum was held on November 14, 2012 at ARIB in Tokyo. We have 23 member corporations at current and 30 people from 12 entities attended the meeting. Chairperson was reappointed and two vice chairpersons were nominated and approved. They are Mr. Hiroshi Ishihara from SoftBank and Mr. Kohei Satoh from ARIB. In addition Executive advisory positions are newly established to reinforce the overall activity of XGP Forum. The following is the summary.

1. Opening

Mr. Sugiura, Secretary General of XGP Forum, announced the opening of the General Meeting and introduced the outline and minutes of the meeting.

2. Welcome Address by Chairperson

Chairperson, Mr. Yoichi Maeda, welcomed two new vice chairpersons, Senior Executive Advisor and Executive Technical Advisor. He also said that he believes that they have plenty of experience and would contribute on the diffusion and further development of XGP.

3. Resolutions to Be Approved

Item 1: Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons, and modifying the ADDENDUM for adding new positions to XGP Forum in Document 4 of ADDENDUM

According to the Chapter 6 in the Agreement of XGP Forum, Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of XGP Forum shall be elected at this General meeting. Executive advisory positions are newly established to reinforce the overall activity of XGP Forum. The followings are the candidates of each position accordingly, and approved by Steering Committee Meeting prior to this General Meeting.

Title Name Company/Entity Name
Chairperson Mr. Yoichi Maeda Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC)
Vice Chairperson Mr. Kohei Satoh Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)
Vice Chairperson Dr. Sam Endy Consultant
Vice Chairperson Mr. Hiroshi Ishihara SoftBank
Senior Executive Advisor Mr. Masayoshi Wakao onsultant, Ex-Managing Director of ARIB
Executive Technical Advisor Mr. Yoshioki Chika CTO of Wireless City Planning

Item 2: The Minutes of the previous General Meeting

The minutes of 28th General Meeting were introduced by secretariat office and got approved.

Item 3: Acknowledging A New Member

Rohde & Schwarz Japan K.K.

Item 4: The Activities and the Expenditure Results in FY 2011

Mr. Sugiura introduced activities held in 2011 and chairpersons of TWG, BWG, PWG presented activity reports in 2011 respectively. All of them got approved.

Item 5: The proposal of Activities and the Budget in FY 2012(July 2012~June 2013))

Mr. Sugiura introduced activities to be carried on in 2012 and chairpersons of TWG, BWG, PWG presented activity plans in 2012 respectively. All of them got approved.

Item 6: Request for the approval of Specification V.02/R.04

Mr. Kamimura, TWG Chairperson, requested for approving XGP TR specification as TS and got approved.

4. Presentation by ABIT

Mr. Hiyama, President of ABIT Corporation, introduced the latest movement of ABIT and prospect of PHS in his presentation.