The 40th General Meeting in Tokyo

The 40th General Meeting of XGP Forum was held on November 10, 2023 at ARIB in Tokyo, Japan. 31 delegates from TTC, ARIB and signatory member companies attended the meeting.

1. Opening

Mr. Yoshiya Iribe, Secretary General of XGP Forum announced the opening of the Genenral Meeting and introduced the outline and Agenda.

2. Welcome Address by Chairperson

Dr. Iwata, Chairperson of XGP Forum, warmly welcomed all the attendees.

3. Resolutions

Item 1: The Memo of the previous General Meeting

Item 2: Acknowledging New Members

1. Nokia Solutions and Networks Japan G.K.

2. NH Institute, Inc.

Item 3: Activity Reports and Financial Report in FY 2022

Secretary General introduced general activities and PWG activities and then each chairperson of BWG, TWG and AdHoc22 presented activity reports held in fiscal year of 2022 respectively. Secretary General also introduced financial report in FY 2022. All of them got approved.

Item 3: Activity Reports and Financial Report in FY 2022

Secretary General introduced general activities and PWG activities and then each chairperson of BWG, TWG and AdHoc22 presented activity reports held in fiscal year of 2022 respectively. Secretary General also introduced financial report in FY 2022. All of them got approved.

4. Special Presentation

After General Meeting, the following special presentations were given by MIC, NEC and Ubiik K.K..

Material (Members only)

Keynote Speech
Mr. Hiroyuki Ogawa
Mr. Tetsuo Yama
NEC Corporation
Mr. Timo Halonen
Ubiik K.K.